Cromane Seafest is an annual celebration of Cromane’s link between land and sea. Our ‘land and sea’ theme explores the history of Cromane in its journey through time as an important fishing village from the salmon fishing of yesteryear to the mussels and oysters for which the area is renowned. Our aim is to give visitors an experience that is both fun and tasty but also that raises awareness of the importance of the biodiversity of the area, including the importance of the environmental impact of sustainable fishing in the area.
The Cromane Seafest crew works to promote the excellent local produce, advocate sustainable and responsible practices, enrich knowledge of the area and develop relationships in the area with hotels, suppliers and fishermen, all with the objective of providing a diverse and inclusive family friendly event that supports the local environment and community.
The Cromane Seafest Committee works with community groups, local residents, the Community Council, health and safety officials, An Garda Siochana and other vendors to ensure the Festival is both fun and safe.
We look forward to seeing you there!
For our latest recipes click on the image below.